

The Motswedi Rehabilitation centre which is located in Mochudi, is mandated to enable young people with disabilities achieve their full potential through rehabilitation, education and skills training. The Centre offers the following services:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Community Based Rehabilitation
  • Stimulation and pre-vocational and vocational skills training

The Vocational training programme includes; carpentry and joinery, cookery and housekeeping, dressmaking, tailoring and horticulture.

On November 10th 2022 the Botswana Council for the Disabled attended a caregivers Workshop hosted by Motswedi Rehabilitation Centre which is one of our Member Organisations.

The purpose of the workshop was to create a platform to;

  1. allow for an open dialogue between parents/guardians and learners with their educators and facilitators.
  2. empower learners and inform parents about opportunities available for them to transit into a productive adult live.

Heart warming and truly inspirational testimonies were shared by some of the parents who commended the excellent work that the educators and caretakers are providing. The Centre staff were appreciated for the outstanding rehabilitation and skills transfer which they had witnessed in their children. They attested to having been unable to impart such to their children.

The workshop included presentations from various stakeholders such as:

  • Stepping Stones International
  • Gender Affairs
  • Poverty Eradication Programme
  • Ministry of Youth, Sports and Culture Development
  • International Development Initiative Trust

They shared on various services and initiatives which they offer to young people inclusive of those with Disabilities. This was meant to assist them further their careers through skills-based initiatives necessaryΒ  for setting themselves up for an independent and prosperous future.

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